In Celebration of Gail Giler

Dear Gail,

There is no training in life to prepare you to find someone you love as the subject of an article about the victim of a “deadly house fire.” You are simply left to battle the denial, impossibility, and the understanding that nothing is okay in this world anymore. In fact, I still don’t fully believe I am writing this.

On Thursday night, the entire world lost something precious. For everywhere you went, Gail, you made a lasting positive impact. You are everything good about Southern Hospitality: your charm, your drawl, your unceasingly open arms, and your extreme generosity. And I would be hard-pressed not to mention your bless-your-heart-sass.

One afternoon, back when you and John lived next door to our family, you rang our bell wearing a brand new dress. You came to our threshold unannounced for one reason only that day: you wanted to show off your cute new outfit. I remember staring up at you thinking, this is what I want in the world – to be someone who knocks on a door to share something good and who encourages those around her to do the same. You taught me what it means to be a neighbor.

But “neighbor” doesn’t do you justice. I have never had the blessing of a big extended family. So when Kieran invited his many aunts, uncles, and cousins to our wedding, I invited my one aunt in this country and the people who were my stand-in family. You and John are my aunt and uncle – there is no doubt about that.

Who else would gift us their timeshare so we could go on a free honeymoon to Texas? Only family. Who else would share food from their garden and return Tupperware only if it was filled again with food? Only family. Who else would send us ornaments for our tree, aprons for our kitchen, and countless things back from their travels? Only family. Who watches children grow up and marvels lovingly at their metamorphosis? Who is there in front of the church to greet you as you enter in your wedding dress? Family, of course.

I can’t believe you are gone because I never thought you could be. You were the very definition of the word “alive.”

Maybe God needed you with Him. I can promise you one thing: like an angel from heaven, you brought good into this world even as you left it, Gail. On Friday night, the day we all found out, my entire family gathered together to just be with each other. That alone is a feat. Because of you, I made a friend at work who didn’t shy away from the hysterically crying stranger at the table. He talked to me about you. Later on, when I thanked him for his goodness, the kind of goodness you would have given, he teared up while saying he couldn’t stop thinking about you and the husband you left behind. My coworkers shined their light on me all day, and even got me to have a couple drinks before sending me home. You always know how to bring out the best in people, and I KNOW you would have approved of the drinks.

I cried myself to sleep that night, aching to my core for your wonderful husband who has to sleep alone. I hugged my own husband so tight. This is unfathomable, unacceptable, and the word “loss” doesn’t do it justice. You were supposed to come back and visit like you always do. You were supposed to do so much.

Please watch over us. And while you’re at it, go find my Uncle Chuck. You’ll crack him up.



Building a Foundation in 2018

Hi all! Let’s pretend I wrote this last year and had it all queued up for the beginning of January. Great, now that that’s out of the way…

My word for 2017 was SteadfastI wanted to be steadfast in my faith and calmer as I went through the wedding planning. I would say I was relatively successful. But to be honest, I think this year’s theme will be much more actionable.

In 2018, I am building a foundation.


The idea for using FOUNDATION as my word started with my reading goal. I am going to try (again) for 40 books this year, but with a new twist. At least twenty of these books will be the classics. From there, I saw a possible theme. Just as the classic novels paved the way for each era of literature, my actions in 2018 will be the  cornerstone of the rest of my life.

As you probably know, I got married in September. Now that we have settled in and the wedding is wrapped up, I can focus on building a life with Kieran. In 2018, I will ask myself – what can I do before we start our family? What can we do before there are babies? Or before my belly is suddenly the size of a watermelon?

Part of this foundation is adventuring – weekend trips, seeing Ireland, et cetera. Part of this year will be focusing on organizing our home, finances, and traditions. Each thing excites me infinitely. I want to be intentional about the habits we build as a couple, so that when we do start a family, our children come into a loving, calm, and happy home.

I have started using the Commit30 planner, which I think will be an endlessly useful tool as I map out my goals. It lets me choose mini goals for each aspect of my life, as well as inserting those goals into each month. I’ll dedicate every month to a particular project so that weekly I can tick things off my list.

Voila! That’s my 2018. What’s yours? Do you have a word for this year? Let me know in the comments below!

2016 Reflection and a Steadfast 2017

Grace and Renewal.Grace (1)

Those were my themes for 2016. I wanted 2016 to be the year I fully got myself back after a battle with depression and fear. I must say, I succeeded in learning to be joyful most of the time again. I chose grace because I knew big changes were coming my way, and I wanted to meet them with joy and poise, not anxiety. Sometimes I did just that, sometimes, not so much. But I will give myself a little grace to say that it’s ok to not be perfect. Of the two themes, I think I did better with renewal. I learned to bounce back more quickly from things that were bothering me. I learned to avoid the dreaded downward spiral. I practiced being optimistic, only allowing a few minutes of stress before I pulled myself together.
I think the best example of this is how Kieran and I matured in our relationship. He lets me get scared and cry about something that is mostly only a problem in my head. And then we talk and he helps me realize that no matter what, we will figure it out. And then I can carry on knowing it is going to be okay. I’ve learned also to say “I trust you, God,” and then to distract myself from any anxious thoughts. I’ve learned to look at scary things head on, and then say, no, you won’t pull me down with you.
Among my smaller goals, I succeeded in purposefully making more plans with friends and in writing down ideas and thoughts in a notebook I carry with me. I decided not to pursue bigger projects besides my Etsy store, which opened this year, and planning my wedding. Those were big milestones! 2016 was good to me, though the world had a tough year. I am engaged, have a new nephew, and a wonderful job with a new coworker who is a best friend. I truly couldn’t ask for more. 

So now, onto 2017.


I have chosen STEADFAST to be my theme of the new year.

Google defines steadfast as resolutely or dutifully firm or unwavering.”
When looking for my #oneword of 2017, I looked ahead to all the changes I will be facing. I will become a married woman. I’ll be living away from home for the first time, and living with a husband for the first time. These are HUGE changes, but I am SO VERY excited and ready to start my new life. I have known that this is what I wanted as long as I could have dreams for my future.
But such big changes will take a resolute attitude.
I want to steadfastly hold onto my faith – since marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic Church. I can’t wait to grow spiritually with Kieran.
I want to be steadfast in my marital vows to Kieran, and steadfast in my role as a wife and -gulp- a real adult person.
I want to be steadfast in the craziness that is wedding planning, and the stress that is planning the rest of my life.
I want to be steadfast in my personal goals, as well. I can’t wait to continue reading book after book, and also to build up my Etsy store into something lucrative!
Steadfast may seem like a heavy and scary word. But for me, I will be joyfully steadfast.
“…be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain to the Lord.”
1 Corinthians, 15:58
“I want to be a woman who overcomes obstacles by tackling them in faith, instead of tiptoeing around them in fear.”
Renee Swope
“Have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or disouraged, for the Lord your God will be with your wherever you go. “
Joshua 1:9
“When you do everything you can do, that’s when God will step in and do what you can’t do.”
2 Corinthians 12:10
Have a blessed and beautiful 2017, my friends. I hope to be on this blog more in the year. Look out for some changes on this site!

4 Christmas Songs that Will Awaken Even Your Cold, Scrooge Heart

  • Finish shopping
  • Wrap all of the gifts
  • Finish more shopping
  • Get the cards in the mail
  • Cook and bake till you explode.

Anything else? Oh yeah –

  • Stop, put on your favorite Christmas song, and let yourself be moved to tears. 

That second list is the more important one, I’d say.

It’s hard to get into the full spirit of the season when the commercial aspect takes over all your brain’s stress centers. It’s hard to sit in church when you’ve gone non-stop for three weeks straight, or enjoy your family dinner.

At the risk of sounding cliche, it’s so easy to forget the reason for the season.

So I decided to share with you four Christmas songs that stop me in my tracks, and bring tears to my eyes. I implore you to take a moment and listen with me, to at least one of the songs below. The last two are my absolute favorites, the ones that inspired this list.

A New York City Christmas (Rob Thomas)

Dang, feel those post-September 11 feels of heartbreak and unity. Feel them. And listen to Rob Thomas’ sweet voice.

December 1943 – John Michael Montgomery

Now THERE’S a Christmas story. Love your enemy, literally.

The Angels Cried – Alan Jackson and Allison Krauss

And, it’s a duet. Those always get me. Yes, I am a little country, leave me be.

And finally, the Christmas song that has given me more spiritual understanding of this holiday than any other.

Mary Did You Know – Jordan Smith (studio version)

For me it has to be this version, because he’s so amazing. -sigh-

And there’s my list!

I was going to put a ‘Lyrics of note’ section for each song but I realized each entire song is worth the listen.

As the Grinch would say, “I’m leaking!”

Have a beautiful, blessed Christmas, my dear readers. God bless you!

What’s your favorite, tear-inducing Christmas song?

My Official Election Statement 

​As I get ready for bed – here’s the last update I have on the election. 

Tomorrow I will wake up and I will still be me. That I can promise.  

No matter who wins the election, no matter your feelings or mine, I will wake up and I will continue to be Sabina. And I will continue to try and always be my best self. No matter what. 

I’m not responsible for the decisions of our government, or the American collective. You and I, we are only responsible for ourselves. 

So I urge you tomorrow morning to wake up and be you. Not your political affiliation. Just you. Be kind(er), (more) forgiving, (more) loving. It’s up to us, folks, not the president. The United States has always been about WE the people. We decide to be loving, not just in our views, but in our every action. Not just in our causes, but in how we treat each individual we interact with. 

Lastly, I would like to thank those around me who have allowed me to be more authentically myself this year in sharing my opinions. Not only those who share my views, but those who disagree with me on almost everything.  I have good people in my life. Thank you for affording me the chance to speak and be respected. That goes a long way. 

This election cycle has hurt me, frustrated me, scared me, and definitely amused me. It’s been rough for all of us, trying to define the American spirit, while fighting against the other side who just won’t listen. YET it has also allowed us to be more open and to gather to pray, vent, and listen. Let’s take the good and leave the anger in this last half hour of Election Day.

Goodnight, fellow citizens of the United States of America. I will see YOU bright and early tomorrow. I hope you’ll bring the sunshine.